Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Sunday Ho Ya Monday..Roz Khao Anday

I have been  a vegetarian for the past few years .... But I am not a vegan I am a lacto-occassionaly-ovo vegetarian... I eat my share of cakes and pastries ("eat" is such a polite understatement...such a civilized substitute for ...uhhhhm..."hog" ")....... but this post is not to endorse eggs ..its just some harmless rambling about them....

interestingly I particularly avoid dishes where the egg is very visible as an "egg".. like an omlette , a poach and my dad's favorite dim shedhho...okay my feelings for dim shedhho or boiled egg..needs a little elaboration here... I mean ya its nutritious , ya its filling, but it smells awful, I can understand that very kind mothers earnestly want their sons and daughters to grow up tall and strong so that they can epang opang jhopang through life BUT they can feed them boiled eggs at home !!!!!!!!!!!! Why torcher other souls by stuffing that awful boiled egg in their kid's tiffin box?...... and some moms even unleash all their motherly love by placing a shondesh (a sweet dish) right beside the wholesome (read bad smelling, yucky looking) food indeed......!

Coming back   to what I eat.(its my post remember !) so food stuff, where the egg is invisible...uhhmmm those dishes are absolutely irresistible ..pastries, cake , pudding...[when I eat these I try to convince myself by my jethu's argument- these eggs have not been fertilized by the morog (cock..u c) so technically no chick in the egg, so they are vegetarian eggs...] ..oh and by the way, an advice for people cooking cakes or puddings for the first time....go easy on the eggs...friends can be polite about too much salt but too many eggs just hits you on the nose...too yucky for you to actually even think of being polite!

I remember as a child I had this great craft book which was like a Disneyland on paper for me....I would take great trips....dream about making the incredible stuff , try them, spoil and waste  a lot of it and object was this gigantic tree with painted egg shells on the branches, I thought of trying that and to the immense relief of my mother I just thought...........

Then there is the old take an empty shell put those eye dropper things on top (which actually looks like a penguin head)  and paint the shell black and white ..voila ! there's a penguin...I was successful in creating it !!woo -hoo! (yaah that's  BIG for me because when I draw something I need to label it for the world to understand)...

There's something about those catch phrases of advertisements that you remember after ages....thus it is with "sunday ho yaa monday roz khao anday" ...... haha and well may be I'll do a post on ad jingles, since for an entire month I was humming "doodh doodh doodh doodh"..sigh ! the age of innocence...(still love it  !) ...imagine singing that in college !

Well as for endorsing eggs , nothing did a better job than that Govinda and Sanjay Dutt song..."aao sikhau tumhe ande ka funda"........a whole song dedicated to Bollywood is truly unbelievable !

Talking of eggs how can I not name my favourite detective in the whole universe, the little egg-headed Belgian Mr. if his little gray cells were not enough to charm me ....his short height and the egg head made him all the more adorable .........

Bye for now.....more useless ramblings to follow !

1 comment:


Ande ka funda ..........